Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday...Hard to Believe I've Been Here for Nearly 2 Weeks

It's still quite rainy outside...but that's expected since I am in the Wet Tropics and it is still the wet season. The dry season will be here towards the end of March. Yesterday I enrolled in all of my courses and it looks like I will be taking Biodiversity of Tropical Australia, Effective Photography, Australian Indigenous and Anthropological Perspective, and Italian. I had originally planned on taking an Australian Vertebrate Fauna course or another biology lab, but after speaking with the biology advisers it seems that I don't have the prerequisites for those courses because Saint Mike's doesn't offer any zoology courses. I'm a little bummed and by not having another biology course this semester I will have an extremely busy senior year, but overall I am pretty satisfied with my current course selection. I will get to see a lot of animals while I'm here so it's not the end of the world if I didn't get those particular courses I had wanted. Speaking of animals, today I won an all day pass to the Cairns Tropical Zoo. I'm pretty excited about that because I'll be able to see some more animals and even get some more photos with wombats, baby crocodiles, and pythons. This weekend will be a little more exciting than this past week has been, so I'll be sure to make some more interesting posts after I get back from my Great Barrier Reef trip! Tonight there is a toga party on campus, so my new friends and I are looking forward to wrapping ourselves in our bed sheets and going to that! Then tomorrow we have a guided bus tour of Cairns city, so it'll be nice to be able to find our way around a little better, even though the city isn't very big. Then Saturday is the reef trip. It's supposed to rain and thunder, but hopefully it won't rain the entire time so that it'll be easier to snorkel and see the beautiful reef and all of the wildlife that inhabits it. I am going on another trip to the Great Barrier Reef over spring break, which will be during the dry season, so if it rains this time around we'll hopefully have better weather next time!

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