Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

It's Sunday here, so Happy Easter to everyone! Easter is a pretty important holiday in Australia as well, but not big enough to not have the buses stop running. On Friday, none of the buses were running because it was Good Friday, which is apparently more of a public holiday in Queensland than it is in the states. So, we weren't able to go to the zoo then. The bus schedule has been even more unreliable than usual this weekend because of the long weekend, so we really haven't been able to go many places which I am fine with because I have some trips planned for next weekend to Port Douglas, the Daintree rainforest, and the Cairns botanical gardens. Today, we might just spend the Easter afternoon on the beach because they have put the jellyfish nets back up so that people can swim.
This morning a bunch of the girls from the lodge and I went to a church that is only a 5-minute walk from here for the Easter service. I don't really follow a particular religion, so I really like just seeing what other churches and religions are like. This one was called the Northern Cairns Congregation and the service was very cheery and also was oriented around the children, which I liked. All of the songs and verses were projected onto the wall so I also thought that was neat.
This past weekend wasn't exciting enough to be blog-worthy, so I will write more after my trips next weekend! Sorry for the lack of excitement in my posts lately!

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