Saturday, May 31, 2008

Less Than a Month Left

I think I've had a post with the same title before...but it was a month before I left the it's the other way around. I can't believe that a month from today I will be back home in Vermont. As I've said before, I'm very excited about the thought of seeing everyone again...but I get a little upset when I think about having to say goodbye to everyone here. It was different when I said "bye" to people at home because I knew that I would see them in 5 months...but my new friends are from all around the world and although we can still keep in contact I may not ever see them again. I plan to travel a lot throughout the course of my life though, so maybe I will meet up with some of them again one day. I'm sure I will see the ones that live in the United States ...but it's still sad to say goodbye. What a depressing topic! Anyways...
My 21st birthday is a week from today! I am still thinking of something fun to do for it. Traditionally people go out and get smashed on their 21st birthdays...but I don't really want to do that. Me, Dana, and Katie all have June birthdays so we are just going to all go out one night during our last weekend here together to celebrate. A lot of people are going away for the study break coming up but I can't go anywhere too far because I have an oral exam in the middle of the week. I might do something adventurous for my birthday though since a lot of my friends here will be away...I don't just want to study in my room all day! I was looking at some cheap crocodile mangrove tour thingys near maybe I'll do something like that. Who knows. Well whatever I do I will make a post about it since I haven't really had an big adventures lately to tell about....well, everyday here is an adventure for me. I've been spending the majority of my weekend afternoons at the beach..and today they took down the stinger nets so you can swim anywhere along the beach! It was a little intimidating at first since the water is still a bit murky and crocs/sharks are still around even though the jellyfish season is coming to an end.

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